6 Commercial Burglary Prevention Tips

Earlier this week, we blogged about the risks Canadian businesses face from the growing threat of commercial burglary. This often-underrated threat gets pushed aside in the focus on loss prevention, but its impact can be devastating and long lasting.

The good news is, there are plenty of relatively simple steps businesses can take to protect themselves from commercial burglary. Sure, some of the following tips may require an initial investment, but this is the type of spend that could save your business money and heartache in future.

Here are 6 commercial burglary prevention tips to keep your business safe.

Remove Any Temptation

In our earlier blog on commercial burglaries, we revealed that approximately two-thirds of break ins are crimes of opportunity. When a crime appears to be easy, it’s more likely people will attempt it. If your business displays merchandise in the window, or has high value items visible from the outside, consider removing them to a safer location away from prying eyes. This simple move will reduce the temptation of those looking for a quick score.

Make it Difficult for Them

The more annoying security features you place in front of a burglar, the less attractive a target your business will be. This can include bars on ground floor windows and doors, deadbolt locks on doors, bars on skylights, and barbed wire on climbable walls. These features portray a property that’s well looked after and secure, removing most of the temptation to try and break in.

Install a Security System

Another highly effective deterrent is the installation of a commercial alarm system. Not only will the alarm system act as a visual deterrent, it will also raise the alarm and drive off any thieves quickly once it’s triggered. Check out our recent blog on how to choose the right commercial alarm system for further information.

Crime Prevention by Environmental Design

If the exterior of your business shows signs of neglect it provides clues to criminals that you’ve similarly neglected your security protocols. Conversely, a well-cared for property with up-to-date signage, landscaping, and cleanliness, highlights that a property is cared for and secure. Consider making a small investment in beautifying your property and increasing the exterior lighting. It could make all the difference.

Keep Safes Hidden and Secret

It’s an unfortunate fact to face, but a minority of commercial burglaries are inside jobs. Staff will know the weaknesses of a business, and can enable access to criminals. If your business has a safe, restrict access to the bare minimum number of staff, while ensuring it’s kept in a well-secured room within the building. It should be a time intensive challenge for burglars to get near your safe.

Hire Security Guards

Security guards provide the ultimate visual deterrent to burglary. Even if your budget doesn’t allow for round the clock security guards, solutions like mobile security patrols can be tailored to provide a strong buffer against crime. At Blackbird Security, our mobile patrol security can be customized to suit the unique circumstances of your business, with our security guards covering internal and external patrol routes that can be tracked in real time online.

Let’s Discuss Your Security Services

Ready to upgrade your private security? Why not work with Western Canada’s fastest growing security company? If you’re interested in upgrading your security services, we’d love to hear from you. We offer the following range of services to clients across Western Canada:

Contact Us and let’s discuss your unique needs.

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