New Year’s Security Resolutions for 2022

Congratulations! You’ve made it through another year of pandemic life. While we aren’t quite at the end of it yet, there’s still plenty to be thankful for at the end of 2021. Community spirit has never been higher, with more and more of us shopping local, supporting small businesses and doing our best to help our neighbours and friends navigate challenging times.

On the home front, we couldn’t be more appreciative of our superstar team here at Blackbird Security. They excelled nationwide against a backdrop of challenging conditions and growing need for enforcement of public health measures. Whether they’re working as undercover loss prevention officers, or highly visible security concierges, they provided world class security services to our clients and ensured 2021 was another successful year.

With the changing of the year, businesses and property owners are presented with a blank slate and a chance to set new goals. We may be biased, but 2022 should be the year you invest more in your private security. No matter what industry you’re in, here are four simple New Year’s Security Resolutions to keep you safe and secure in 2022.

Kick off the New Year with a Security Audit

How can you fix any weaknesses in your security plan unless you know where those weaknesses are? Book a security audit with Blackbird Security and let us examine every aspect of your business or property. Our expert team will recommend policies or processes you can put in place to tighten your security and ensure you don’t fall victim to a costly crime. Our team will train your staff in heightened security procedures and empower them to take a leadership role in keeping property safe. Interested in booking a security audit for your business? Blackbird Security are the team to call.

Break Your Bad Security Habits

We’ve all got bad habits we’d like to kick, and the New Year is the perfect time to do it. Many businesses we interact with don’t intend to have bad security. In fact, it’s a problem that often grows and compounds over time. Here are some of the common security issues we find at organizations:

  • Weak Passwords – how many individuals have access to sensitive systems, data or apps? How strong are their passwords? Implement a mandatory two-factor authentication for all passwords in your workplace and instantly strengthen your IT security.
  • Blind Spots – even if a business has CCTV installed, there’s often blind spots or weak areas that can be targeted. If you’ve known about these weak points for a while, now is the time to take action. Blind spots can also be created by lighting deficiencies and poor processes. Resolve to fix long-term issues now before they come back to haunt you.
  • Document Disposal - Investing in a shredder may seem archaic but you don’t want any customer quotes, invoices or printed communications finding their way into mischievous hands. When it comes to digital data, software can be purchased inexpensively that will similarly erase data permanently.

Invest in CCTV and Alarms

CCTV cameras serve a dual purpose for security. Not only do they act as a strong visual deterrent to crime, they also provide hard evidence should criminals decide to ignore it. Our Blackbird Technology team possess the cutting-edge knowhow to elevate your CCTV security. We can advise on the best type of CCTV coverage for your business or property, before carrying out the installation ourselves with minimum fuss. Just looking for installation? We can provide turnkey advice on administering your CCTV service, and guidance on CCTV best practices. Learn more about how our CCTV camera installation services can help protect your business.

Staff Training is Key

Any security plan is only as strong as its weakest element. Make staff training a core component of your security in 2022. Train staff on what to do if they spot criminal behaviour and empower them to take on roles and responsibilities in your security plan. They are the eyes and ears of your business. When you provide this training, you’re keeping your property secure, and you’re also helping to grow your team’s skillset and professional development.

Professional Security Services – Let Blackbird Security Help

Ready to upgrade your security solutions for 2022? Why not work with Canada’s best security company? If you’re interested in upgrading your security services, we’d love to hear from you. We offer the following range of services to clients across Canada:

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