Blackbird Security Partners with Campbell River BIA

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, communities across Canada have supported each other through the pandemic, encouraging people to shop local and help our vital small businesses survive the economic impact of these challenging times. Business Improvement Areas (or BIAs) play a hugely important role in this effort, working to provide resources for small businesses, beautifying our main streets and, increasingly, working to keep them safe.

 An unfortunate side effect of pandemic living has been the hollowing out of our Downtown cores. For months on end, shops were closed, workers stayed home, and our streets began to feel the impact of neglect. To help address these issues, Campbell River BIA is partnering with Blackbird Security to provide ongoing security services in Campbell River’s Downtown.

Campbell River BIA

How We’re Protecting Campbell River Businesses

Blackbird Security possesses extensive experience working with BIA’s across Canada, supporting them with our full range of professional security services. In Campbell River, we’re coordinating our efforts with local RCMP, municipal enforcement officers and social services to find the right blend of security presence when it’s needed most.

Initially, we’ll be operating night time patrols, ensuring the streets are kept safe and secure for residents after security and bylaw officers have finished for the day.

“The pandemic has certainly highlighted safety and security, because for such a long period of time, there were less people downtown – literally, shops were closed up and there was nobody here,” explains Heather Gordon Murphy, Downtown Campbell River BIA board chair.

“I’m not faulting the RCMP – they have a big job to do and they have a tough job. The RCMP are pretty good about coming down when you phone them, because I phone them all the time. But what we need is somebody to go up and down Shoppers Row.”

How We Help Other Business Improvement Areas

In Vancouver, Commercial Drive represents the vibrant and eclectic style of the city in miniature. Due to the pandemic, they were suffering many of the same challenges of Campbell River BIA. Our team has been partnering with Commercial Drive BIA for several months now to great effect. Read how we provide our best in class security services along Commercial Drive in Vancouver.

Work with Blackbird Security

Blackbird Security is the security partner of choice for business associations and societies throughout Canada in cities such as Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Victoria, Duncan, Regina, Winnipeg and Toronto. If you’re interested in upgrading your security services, we’d love to hear from you. We offer the following range of services to clients across Canada:

Contact Us and let’s discuss your unique needs.


 "Campbell River Store" by Arbron is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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