Security Services Are Crucial During COVID-19’s Fourth Wave

Across Canada, COVID-19 figures continue to rise as we enter the fourth wave of the pandemic. With Canada a global leader in vaccine uptake, this wave of COVID-19 will be completely different from what’s gone before. It’s highly unlikely our country will enter another costly lockdown. However, businesses and other public buildings are set to introduce policies around mandatory vaccinations to keep staff and visitors alike safe.

As we’ve seen from the politically charged reaction to these policies, private security services are more important than ever in keeping staff safe. Ahead of the fall and winter season, it’s time to consider making an investment in private security to enforce your policies and protect your team from potential conflicts.

Getting Ahead of the Regulations

While many Canadian provinces have yet to make a firm decision on potential vaccine passports, it’s easy to see which way the wind is blowing. Quebec was the first Canadian province to make a move, announcing the implementation of a vaccination passport system from September 1st onwards. What this means, is that non-essential services such as bars, restaurants, gyms, concerts and sporting events will only allow access to fully vaccinated individuals.

Elsewhere, the Government of Canada has mandated vaccinations for all employees, and employees in federally regulated industries. Several universities and educational institutions have also announced mandatory vaccination policies.

Fall is soon to arrive in Canada, with the annual cold and flu season serving as a hard deadline for many businesses to decide. Now is the time for businesses and public buildings to staff up and get their policies ready. Blackbird Security and our range of customizable security services is standing by to assist.

How Blackbird Security’s Services Can Help

We’re likely living with enhanced health measures for the foreseeable future. Blackbird Security’s uniformed security guards are the perfect addition to your team this fall/winter season. During COVID, our team members have excelled at access control, temperature screening, and the enforcement of mandatory mask policies.

In fact, hiring a private security company like Blackbird Security is a pro-active and progressive measure that will protect the health and safety of your team members. Several national grocery warehouses and packaging plants across Western Canada have already taken advantage of our services in this area. Our other clients include offices, warehouses and industrial worksites.

We understand the need for sensitivity in this area. Our ultimate goal is to work as a support system for management, championing their health measures and ensuring a safe and supportive environment for everyone in the space.

Professional Security Services – Let Blackbird Security Help

Ready to upgrade your security solutions ahead of a busy fall season? Why not work with Canada’s best security company? If you’re interested in upgrading your security services, we’d love to hear from you. We offer the following range of services to clients across Canada:

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