Across Canada, the fight continues against COVID-19. As businesses grapple with increased health measures again, have you considered how you’ll keep staff and visitors safe from exposure? Don’t leave this additional burden to your team members. Blackbird Security’s hard working and dedicated team have been providing frontline support throughout the pandemic, and they’re standing by to assist as we navigate another challenging winter.
Whether we like it or not, health and safety restrictions are returning across Canada ahead of the fall/winter respiratory virus season. Despite the progress made in Canada’s vaccination drive, case counts continue to rise nationwide. While we all hoped we’d could enjoy our lives free from restrictions, mandatory masks, social distancing and other measures are here to stay for the next few months.
Rather than placing this potentially dangerous burden on your team members, lean on the experience and training of Blackbird’s security guards to assist. Here are some of the ways we’ve been helping our clients through the pandemic so far.
Enforcing COVID-19 Policies
Individual businesses are free to institute their own COVID-19 policies on top of provincial health orders. For example, many small businesses maintained a mandatory mask policy during summer, even when it wasn’t mandated by their province. Our team members were on the frontlines over the last 18 months, working to enforce these policies to keep staff and the public safe from harm. No matter what your policies are, our highly trained security guards are ready to help.
Dealing with Problem Customers
Unfortunately, we’re living in politically charged times. We all have a right to disagree with the various public health measures put forth, but that never, ever makes it ok to take this frustration out on hard working staff just trying to do their job. Throughout the pandemic, our team has acted as a buffer, protecting staff while working to diffuse tensions over health measures. We equip our security guards with conflict resolution training and customer service training, allowing them to quickly and efficiently handle any problem customers.
Health Questionnaires
As many offices and businesses formulate their return to office policies, health questionnaires will take on huge importance in keeping staff safe from COVID-19 exposures. These questionnaires ask staff several basic questions relating to their recent travel, potential COVID-19 exposures, and any symptoms they may be experiencing. Our team members have months of experience in administering these questionnaires, handling them discreetly to keep sensitive health information private. Prolonged absences from COVID-19 exposures can cost companies so much in wasted productivity and man hours. We can help prevent this from occurring.
Temperature Checks
Temperature checks remain a vital part of COVID safety plans at businesses across Canada. Over the past few months, our security guards have excelled at performing temperature checks at construction sites, and our large retail partners such as Best Buy Canada. Temperature checks are useful because they can often pick up the first signs of sickness, before an individual is even aware they are unwell.
Social Distancing Measures
Distancing and mask wearing remain one of our most essential tools in the fight against COVID-19. If your business is taking the decision to operate at a reduced capacity or enforce mandatory masks, our security guards can assist with enforcement. This can include maintaining lineups outside your store, enforcing mask requirements or spacing inside the store.
Professional Security Services – Let Blackbird Security Help
Ready to upgrade your security solutions ahead of a busy fall season? Why not work with Canada’s best security company? If you’re interested in upgrading your security services, we’d love to hear from you. We offer the following range of services to clients across Canada:
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