Halloween Security Tips for 2021

The spookiest night of the year is almost upon us…

Halloween is a magic time of year when we can all dress up and have some fun. As trick-or-treaters take to the streets, each year also brings a spike in property crimes, accidents and vandalism. Opportunistic criminals love Halloween. They use the cover of loud noise, fireworks and costumes to engage in crimes.

Much like 2020, this year’s Halloween celebration represents a particularly dangerous period for property and business owners. Footfall still hasn’t returned to pre-pandemic levels, and many workplaces remain empty due to remote work.

Prevent your property from suffering any terrifying Halloween damage or crime, with our key tips and best practices for Halloween security.

Keep Your Perimeter Well Lit

If you’ve got any broken lights around your business or property perimeter, now is the time to fix them! Criminals will already feel emboldened by the increasing hours of darkness, and blind spots in your lighting are the equivalent of rolling out a red carpet for them. Concerned about cost? Installing motion sensor floodlights will accomplish the same goals while also conserving energy.

Limit Access

Halloween is a night where it’s normal for people to walk around in costume. This can create a potential access nightmare for businesses. Unless your business is open, or passing out treats, keep all access points locked and control who has access to keys. It likely goes without saying, but ensure all windows are secured.

Review Your Current Security Plan

Winter is traditionally the busiest time of year for crime. To put yourself on the best possible footing, now is the time to start planning a security audit. In an era where budgets are tight and costs are already high, we understand it’s easy to skimp on security costs. However, you should review your entire security system at least once per year. Criminals never stop looking for new and improved methods, and you shouldn’t stop looking for new and improved ways to beat them.

Train Employees to Think Security

While their methods may evolve over time, criminals will always tend to lurk, or investigate an area before committing to a crime. While some unusual behaviour is to be expected on Halloween night, empower your employees to watch out for, and report, any suspicious individuals they see. You should also consider putting a plan in place for how to deal with these individuals.

Consider Mobile Security Patrols

During COVID-19, Blackbird Security’s Mobile Patrol Service has grown rapidly in popularity. Our team members undertake randomized patrols along pre-arranged internal and external patrol routes, acting as a powerful crime deterrent. This service is available Canada-wide, from Vancouver Island to Toronto and Southern Ontario.

Professional Security Services – Let Blackbird Security Help

Ready to upgrade your security solutions ahead of a busy winter season? Why not work with Canada’s best security company? If you’re interested in upgrading your security services, we’d love to hear from you. We offer the following range of services to clients across Canada:

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