Concierge Security – Perfect for Return to Office

This fall, employees across Canada will return to the workplace as we take the next step in our economic recovery from COVID-19. While many are excited to resume in-person work and pivot away from endless Zoom meetings, a return to the office raises several key issues employers must contend with.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how Blackbird Security’s range of industry leading concierge security services can work to make this transition painless, safe and effective.

Returning to the Workplace – What to Watch Out For

Right now, many organizations are focused squarely on several key questions:

  • What will our return to the workplace look like?
  • How can we keep our employees safe?

It’s likely remote work will remain a key part of organizational plans going forward, but getting team members back into the workplace will be just as important. Most organizations recognize the office will remain a key component for collaboration, but there are health and safety measures to consider. Instead of enforcement falling to your existing staff, why not lean on Blackbird Security’s experienced team of concierge security staff?

Concierge Security – How Blackbird Security Can Help

Throughout the pandemic, our concierge specialists have played a key role in keeping the public safe. A lesson we learned early in the pandemic was to provide our security guards with the training they need to act as a flexible and safety-minded front-of-house presence.

They are comfortable enforcing your COVID-19 policies, while watching out for security threats and providing a warm welcome to visitors. Whether you’re looking for a Vancouver Concierge, a Calgary Concierge, or a Toronto Concierge, here’s how our team can provide frontline support for your return to office efforts.

Enforcing COVID-19 Policies

It’s up to each business to decide the best way to keep their staff safe. Whatever policies you decide upon, lean on our concierge security team for enforcement. Our staff have been on the frontlines over the last 18 months, they’ve learned best practices in COVID enforcement, and they’re ready to act as ambassadors for your health and safety policies. Our team’s dedicated conflict resolution and customer service training ensures any confrontations are dealt with quickly and quietly.

Vaccine Card Enforcement

While no Canadian province has mandated vaccines for workers (except for certain sensitive industries), businesses are free to create their own policies regarding vaccine cards for members of the public in their space. Mandatory vaccines have become a flashpoint since their creation, and our team are happy to handle enforcement in this area. It will serve the dual purpose of keeping your team members safe, while leaning on the expertise of our highly trained concierge security staff to diffuse any confrontations.

Health Questionnaires

Over the past few months, you’ve likely become familiar with COVID-19 health questionnaires that are now ubiquitous for professional services like RMT, physio and chiropractic. These health questionnaires are becoming a key pillar in many organizations’ return to office plans. How will you handle the administration of these forms? Rely on the expert team at Blackbird Security to assist. Our team have ‘been there and done that’ when it comes to health questionnaires, handling their administration in a discreet manner. Prolonged absences from COVID-19 exposures can cost your company so much in wasted productivity and absence. Don’t let this happen.

Professional Security Services – Let Blackbird Security Help

Ready to upgrade your security solutions ahead of a busy fall season? Why not work with Canada’s best security company? If you’re interested in upgrading your security services, we’d love to hear from you. We offer the following range of services to clients across Canada:

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