Why Construction Sites Need Great Security

As we enter 2021, demand for construction site security continues to grow. Each year, almost $50 million in equipment is stolen from Canadian construction sites. In fact, an independent survey of 100 construction companies found they experienced an average of two thefts per year, with losses totaling approximately $30,000. With budgets tighter than ever, why leave your construction site exposed to these risks?

At Blackbird Security, our team provides security to some of Western Canada’s largest construction firms. We’re skilled in devising unique security plans that can maximize coverage for your site, while keeping costs within your budget. We achieve their goal through our cutting-edge Mobile Patrol service.

The Business Case for Construction Site Security

With almost a year of pandemic under our belts, we understand how easy it is to draw a line through items on a budget and go without. Unfortunately, this leaves construction sites vulnerable to increasingly desperate thieves. Here are two major reasons why it makes business sense to keep your construction site secure.

Keep Your Assets Protected

Most construction is carried out during daytime hours. You’d be surprised how many sites are left completely unsupervised in the evenings. We know about this, and we know that criminals are also aware of this. A deserted construction site acts as a buffet for criminality. There are easy to carry tools, expensive machinery, and raw materials that can be easily sold for a quick profit. Having to replace any of these stolen items is annoying. It also cuts into the profit of the project and threatens the overall investment.

Construction Site Crime Causes Delays

You don’t need to be a project manager to understand how complex and deadline oriented the construction industry. Big projects often require precise coordination across multiple stakeholders to meet a deadline. Imagine the chaos that could be caused by the theft of a vital piece of equipment? What if replacing that equipment took days, or weeks? This kind of headache can be easily avoided by hiring construction site security experts like Blackbird Security.

Get in Touch

Blackbird Security offers proven construction site security that will protect your assets and help avoid project delays. To learn more about our approach, get in touch with us today. 

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