This Winter Think Mobile Patrol for Your Security Needs

In this line of work, we’re often asked: What is the most cost-effective way to protect my property? What we always tell clients is that our Mobile Security Guard Patrols offer a cutting edge security solution that works for every budget and type of business.

When you work with a security company like Blackbird Security, one of our main strengths is our ability to offer customized solutions that work to protect you. No contract is too big, or too small, for our security experts and we’ll meet with you to discuss your unique needs before developing a tailor-made plan.

In this week’s blog, we’re going to highlight three examples of mobile security patrol services we offer, including a case study of one client that has benefitted from our services.

Randomized Scheduled Mobile Patrols

Client: Flatiron Construction

Our clients, Flatiron Construction, are specialists in landmark construction projects throughout North America. While undertaking a large project near Vancouver International Airport, they found themselves having to deal with loitering, property damage and equipment theft.

We partnered with them to develop a patrol schedule that serviced their needs, with our team undertaking randomized patrols along that schedule. Any opportunistic criminal notices the presence of our guards and it deters them from engaging in any illegal activity. Since we’ve partnered with Flatiron Construction, they’ve had zero issues with theft and their property is secure.

Emergency Security Response

Suitable For: Retailers, Mall Security

When an immediate response is required on-site, our Emergency Security Response team are second-to-none at providing effective protection. Once they receive the call, our security guard will arrive on-site within minutes, assessing the risk, dealing with it in a prompt and professional manner, and submitting a report with their findings upon conclusion.

We have the capacity to urgently service emergency calls in most cities and towns in British Columbia and Alberta. We are currently the Emergency Responder of choice for several national retailers, including Rexall, MEC, Value Village, Best Buy and many more.

Scheduled Security Patrols

Suitable For: Construction Sites, Property Managers

This Mobile Patrol is best suited for locking and unlocking premises, as well as properties where issues are known to occur at an exact time. The presence of our guards removes the space for illegal activity to occur, protecting the property of our clients.

Clients can instruct our team to install a GPS tracker on-site, with our patrol pinging them automatically as they pass. This provides real-time reporting through our innovative TrackTik Mobile Security Guard technology program, offering our clients instant access to peace of mind wherever they are in the world.

Find Out More

Ready to discuss your unique mobile patrol security needs? If you have any questions about our professional security services, or how Blackbird Security can help protect your business don’t hesitate to contact us.

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