Across Canada, COVID-19 cases are on the rise and it’s time to ensure we’re all playing our part in keeping our communities safe. Back in springtime, we clapped each night at 7pm for healthcare workers and our essential staff. We believe it’s time to get back into that community spirit and redouble our efforts.
Throughout the course of the pandemic, our Mall Security staff have been unsung heroes, going above and beyond their usual job roles to help enforce public health guidelines. They are there to provide a reassuring presence for staff and customers alike, and they play an integral role in ensuring the smooth delivery of essential retail services.
Keeping Our Mall Security Guards Safe
Across British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba, our Mall Security Guards have excelled in providing frontline security at the likes of Nesters, Rexall, IGA, Buy-Low, and Thrifties. We have immense gratitude for the work our team is doing in these challenging times and every effort is being made to keep them safe and healthy.
We have created a Health Management Team at Blackbird that conducts regular spot checks to ensure compliance with the following strict guidelines:
- Strict adherence to all provincial and federal health recommendations
- Frequent handwashing and respect of physical distancing
- All team members with mild symptoms of illness must stay home
- Mask wearing at all times in indoor spaces
Ensuring Continuity of Mall Security Services
We understand everyone is at risk of becoming sick from COVID-19. All we can do is minimize those risks. We’ve put together a detailed service continuity plan to ensure our retail security clients continue to receive uninterrupted protection this winter. This plan is based on the following key components:
Backup Staff on Standby
Throughout the pandemic, we have been lucky to have added additional key staff to our team. We have activated dedicated on-call employees to safely step in and take over shifts for team members who are sick or self-isolating.
Clear Reporting
All staff members have received instructions to report directly to their District Manager if they feel ill, or unable to perform their duties. If any team member is notified, they are a close contact of a COVID-positive individual, we will carry out our own tracing efforts to isolate any staff they may have had direct contact with.
Regular Check-Ins
Nearly a year into the pandemic and the situation remains as fluid as ever. We regularly assess the situation on a city-by-city, province-by-province basis. Our Health Management team is actively monitoring the latest provincial health guidelines and ensuring any decision made puts the health of our team members first.
Here to Help
Blackbird Security is Western Canada’s fastest growing security company. If you’re looking to partner with us for Mall Security or Retail Security, we’d love to hear from you! If we can assist you in any way at this time, please Contact Us and we’ll be there for you.
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