In 2022, Invest in a Security Audit

As COVID-19 recedes from public attention, many businesses are welcoming staff back to the office, or increasing customer capacity in their venues. With this much additional demand and potential for issues, it’s worth asking – when was the last time you conducted a security audit on your business?

At Blackbird Security, we consider it best practice for businesses to carry out a security audit every 12 to 18 months. Considering the lengthy period of pandemic living we’ve all just gone through, it’s likely those security plans are at least two years out of date. How can a business be confident about their security plan when so many of the variables have drastically shifted over time? In today’s blog, we wanted to discuss security audits and how they can help protect your business. Let’s start by examining how a security audit works.

What is a Security Audit?

At Blackbird Security, we offer comprehensive security audits that identify areas of concern before creating action-oriented plans to resolve them. Our expert team walk through your physical space, identifying any weak links in your security plan and areas of ‘low hanging fruit’ for you to fix. We’ll devise optimal placement for CCTV monitoring and make other recommendations to improve your security outlook. At the end, we’ll deliver a detailed report with our findings.

You’ll walk away understanding where your weak links are, and how to fix them efficiently, in a cost-effective manner.

Here are just four of the benefits you’ll enjoy from carrying out a security audit.

Cost Effective Protection

We’re business owners ourselves, so we get it. A security audit seems like an unnecessary expense but the truth is, it will likely save you money in the long run. Not carrying out an audit puts your business at risk in so many ways, whether it’s theft, loss of productivity, vandalism or other impacts of crime.

It’s probably a long time since you last carried out a security audit. Taking part in the process now will almost certainly unlock new efficiencies in your security protocols, minimizing waste on outdated or ineffective practices.

A Health Check for Your Processes

Criminals are some of the most resourceful and innovative people out there. Even if your processes have proven robust at preventing crime in the past, it’s no indicator they’ll be strong going forward. A team skilled at Security Audits (like Blackbird Security) is up to date on the latest threats your business faces and can provide advice on how to tighten up your processes to prevent the latest advances in crime.

Security Coverage Levels

No two businesses are the same. Each location presents a list of variables (both big and small) that must be accounted for in a security audit. When we carry out this exercise, we don’t just consider your physical space. We look at your neighbourhood, crime statistics, and compare your situation to other businesses in your industry. With this exhaustive exercise complete, we can recommend the precise level of security coverage that your business needs to stay safe and protected.

Solution Focused

A well-executed security audit should be considered the first step in the security process. It will likely deliver several takeaways for a business to carry out to action the recommendations. This will touch on aspects such as physical security at the business location, how to make existing security systems more robust and how to ensure the business remains in compliance with government and industry regulations.

Let Blackbird Security Help

If you’re ready to bring your security protocols up to date and carry out a security audit in 2022, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us and we will be happy to help.

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