How to Prepare For, And Respond to, Crisis
Each week, in this blog, we give tips for building better security infrastructure around your business. Our aim is to raise awareness and help business owners to start taking security threats seriously. No matter how seriously these threats are taken, there's always a chance for a crisis scenario to unfold. That's why it pays to put a crisis management plan in place.
As we’ve seen from years in the security business, even the best laid plans can go awry. Sometimes, after the most meticulous of planning, a simple human error or weather event outside of our control can cause a crisis. How would your business fare in a crisis event? Even if the threat seems remote, it’s good business to have a crisis management plan in place. Let’s examine how the crisis management process works from beginning to end.
Preparing in Advance
We understand security can be a complicated area for businesses. That’s why we are happy to consult with business owners to create crisis management protocols. For us, best practice involves consulting with security experts to draw up a plan. This process begins with an analysis of the likely threats unique to your area of business. Local law enforcement and first responders can also be a helpful resource, providing advice on safe evacuation points and information on basic first aid courses your team can take.
Your team members should be fully briefed on any plans you create as they will be the frontline in delivering your crisis management plan. If a crisis happened, communication would likely be sporadic and uncoordinated. Each team should know their specific role and how it plays into the overall plan. Ensure they can deliver without need for consulting.
Finally, hold regular security and safety drills in the workplace. Test the protocols you have put in place and how effectively your team members can deliver on them. If some aspect of the plan isn’t working, amend it.
During a Crisis
Needless to say, time is of the essence during a crisis. The usual management structure may not be able to communicate during this time but big decisions will likely have to be made. Create an Incident Command System for the business which includes key personnel from Security, Operations and Human Resources. This slimline management team should be empowered to make key decisions that will allow the business to get up and running as soon as possible following a crisis situation.
After the Crisis
A Continuity of Operations Plan is a document for how to deal with the fallout of a workplace emergency. This document should have an answer for the common crisis management issues you would be likely to face. It will touch on aspects such as who will talk to the media (if necessary), how injured team members will be looked after, how those too traumatized to return to work can be helped, and how to address and lost workspace or equipment. The ultimate aim of this plan is to get the business back up and running as soon as possible, while compassionately dealing with any issues arising from the crisis.
Hire the Experts
Need help creating a crisis management plan for your business? With years of experience in the security field, Blackbird Security are your number one option. Contact us and we will be happy to help!
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