Condominium Security Procedures for Resident Wellness Checks

Condominium security guards are important members of a residential building’s community. Among their many responsibilities, conducting wellness checks is one of a condo security guard’s most important duties in ensuring the safety of residents. As the first point of contact for residents and a person they encounter daily, residential security guards build rapport and friendly relationships with residents of the building they protect, providing an increased level of insight and care in cases where a resident requires a wellness check. In this blog, we'll explore how condo security guards perform wellness checks and why these checks matter in residential communities.

Condominium security guards at Blackbird Security

What is a Resident Wellness Check?

A wellness check occurs when security guards verify the safety and well-being of a resident who may be in distress or hasn't been seen for an extended period of time. Concerned family members, neighbours, or building management may request these checks. A resident wellness check may be conducted by a building’s concierge security guard, a uniformed security guard, or multiple guards, depending on the circumstances. Residential security guards follow strict protocols when conducting wellness checks to ensure that resident privacy and safety are maintained.

When Are Wellness Checks Conducted?

Condominium security guards conduct wellness checks in various situations where a resident’s safety may be at risk. These situations often occur when family members have been unable to contact a resident or when neighbours within the building report unusual behaviour or concerning sounds from a unit. 

Guards may also initiate checks when residents haven't been seen for extended periods, if there are signs of potential medical emergencies, or during extreme weather events and power outages, particularly for senior residents or residents with disabilities. Additionally, property management may request wellness checks if they have specific safety concerns about a particular resident.

Police officers are typically called to conduct wellness checks at houses and buildings without an on-site security team. However, officer-facilitated wellness checks often involve long wait times and, depending on the circumstances, police intervention may cause an individual to panic or resist the help they need. Wellness checks conducted by a condominium security team have the advantages of zero wait time and increased trust between the resident and their security guard while maintaining the professionalism and care required in these situations. 

Residential security guard

Wellness Check Procedures

Here are the steps a security guard takes when conducting a wellness check:

1. Gather Information

Before initiating a wellness check, security guards gather information on file and from the individual requesting the check to ensure an effective response. This includes confirming the resident's unit number and contact details and collecting information about recent sightings or interactions, relevant medical conditions or mobility issues, and the name and contact information of the individual making the check request. Guards also verify emergency contact information and ensure they have authorization for master key access if entry becomes necessary. 

2. Knock and Verbal Check

During the actual wellness check, guards follow a systematic approach to assess the situation. They begin by attempting contact through knocking on the door and using clear verbal communication. Guards listen carefully for any sounds indicating distress and look for signs of activity, such as lights on inside the unit. 

3. Access the Unit

If the individual does not respond to verbal communication and the security guard is authorized to do so, they may use master key access to enter the unit. The guard will clearly and loudly state that they are entering the unit and maintain verbal communication as they enter and walk through it.

If the resident is found to be experiencing an emergency or is in distress, the security guard will dial 911 promptly and stay with the resident until first responders arrive, following any directions from dispatch. 

4. Documentation and Follow-Up

Documentation is essential for the wellness check process. After the wellness check is finished, condo security guards write a detailed report that includes the precise time and date of the check (as well as the check request) and the reasons for conducting it, such as the period of time in which the individual was not heard from and other relevant information collected prior to the wellness check.

Security guards also document all actions taken during the check, including their observations and any communication with residents or emergency services. Blackbird Security guards use TrackTik, the industry-standard security reporting software, which allows our clients to access real-time reporting updates through our client portal. This is especially important during wellness checks, as it provides an easy way for business management to access accurate report information, allowing for timely decision-making.

After the check is concluded, the security guard will contact the individual who requested the wellness check and update them about the situation and the resident's status.

Condominium security guard

Partner With Canada’s Best Condominium Security Provider

Due to their potentially critical, high-stakes nature, wellness checks require decisive, empathetic, and professional security guards who are trained and prepared to encounter a wide variety of scenarios. At Blackbird Security, our residential security guards receive in-house training in key areas, including crisis prevention and conflict de-escalation, to ensure the protection and safety of all residents. Get in touch with us through the form below to learn how our condominium security teams can keep your building’s community safe.

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