Calgary Security Guards Can Help Implement New Safety Protocols

As you may have heard, the city of Calgary has passed a new bylaw to require face coverings when entering public buildings. It’s set to take effect as of Aug.1, with the goal of limiting the spread of COVID-19. Read on to see how this affects your business, and how Blackbird Security can support you with highly professional, uniformed Calgary security guards.

Bylaw Requirements

According to the draft bylaw, face coverings must be worn in all public places, unless the people are separated by an installed screen, shield or another barrier. Face coverings are a mask or other covering that covers the mouth, nose, and chin and forms a barrier to limit the transmission of infectious respiratory droplets. Examples of public places include:

  • Public transportation - buses, shuttles, and CTrains
  • Public vehicles for hire - taxis, ridesharing businesses, vehicles for hire
  • Public indoor spaces - malls, grocery stores, retail businesses, churches
  • City of Calgary facilities - recreation centers, City Hall, City of Calgary buildings

Under the bylaw, business operators and owners are required to display signage in public entryways. 

Failure to wear a face-covering where required or failure to display prescribed signage can result in a penalty of $100 to $200.

To ensure you are meeting all the requirements as a business owner find more information on the bylaw here.

The following are recommendations business owners may want to utilize in preparation of the bylaw coming into effect:  

  • Review the bylaw expectations with your staff so they can inform customers or visitors they must wear a face-covering indoors, with some exceptions (for example, children under the age of two and people with certain health conditions, employees in designated areas or protected by a physical barrier)  
  • Explain to staff members that proof is not required if someone has an exemption, and that they are not expected under the bylaw to deny service. However, businesses or operators can choose to deny service under their policies.  
  • Plan to post the signage in advance of August 1. All entryways must have the provided signage reminding everyone who enters to wear a face covering.

Calgary Security Guards

Blackbird security is here to support your business and protect your community. We have trained security guards who can monitor entry points on your business premises and ensure proper face coverings are being worn by customers prior to entering your business. This ensures the safety of your community and protects your business from incurring penalties.  

Find Out More

Want to hear more about how our Calgary security guards can support you? If you have any questions about the security services we offer, or how Blackbird Security can help protect your business, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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