4 Security Trends for 2021

As the world focused on the pandemic during 2020, the security industry had to adjust to a rapidly changing landscape. In retail, security guards were pressed into action to help enforce public health guidelines and keep customers safe. Online, office workers transitioned to home office setups, creating alarming deficiencies in IT security infrastructure.

After a year of such lightning progress, what’s on the cards for the security world in 2021? At Blackbird Security, we’ve dusted off our crystal ball to predict some of the upcoming trends in security in the coming months. Here are our predictions for the four major security trends of 2021.

Security Budgets Will Increase

As the pandemic recedes and businesses get back to a more normal state of operation, security budgets will likely increase in 2021. Businesses now realize they need to invest in security, and invest strategically in security. Not only does the physical perimeter of a property need to be secure, any online services and remote users also need to be robustly protected. Allocate spend where your most important assets are. If you need to carry out a security audit, Blackbird Security’s team are standing by to provide expert advice.

In-Person Shopping Bounces Back

If 2020 was the year of online shopping, 2021 will become the year of in-person shopping. Having been cooped up in their homes for much of the last year, customers will want to get back to visiting physical stores and get rid of their lockdown fatigue. Now is the time to invest in physical security measures and personnel to ensure your business is ready to satisfy this demand.

Home Offices Come Under Attack

When it comes to remote work, the genie is out of the bottle. Office workers will now expect some level of remote work allowance. This will test the security of IT infrastructure to the limits. Those patchwork solutions put in place in spring 2020? It’s time to toss those out and turn to permanent, secure long-term solutions. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and a lot of businesses are operating with some very weak chains right now. Carry out an audit of your IT security. If you’re unsure of where to start, Blackbird Security can assist with an IT Security Audit.

Popularity of Concierge Security Increases

It’s become an expectation that new building developments will include some form of concierge service. These dedicated professionals are some of the most versatile security staff, effortlessly diffusing incidents, handling package deliveries and keeping buildings secure. Demand for their services is only set to rise in 2021. If you’re a building manager or property owner, have you considered investing in concierge security? Blackbird Security provides concierge services across British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba. We’d love to help you find a concierge solution that works for you and your business.

Let Blackbird Security Help

Need assistance taking your internal security to the next level? Blackbird Security are Western Canada’s fastest growing security business. Contact us and we will be happy to help.

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