4 Reasons Crime Rates Rise in Summer & How Security Helps

For most, the lighter days, longer hours, and higher temperatures brought on by summer are a cause for celebration...especially for Canadians! But while this seasonal shift presents more opportunities to take advantage of all the outdoor activities and events that follow, these same factors play into why crime rates soar come summertime, and why greater security measures are needed. 

Interested? A landmark 2014 study on seasonal crime patterns conducted by the US Justice Bureau. It found significant correlations between the summer months and rates of violent crime and property theft/victimization –  increasing ten percent on average. Likewise, Canadian data shows police-reported crime rates peak during July and August. Large cities like Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto are especially susceptible to increased crime during summer. 

The bottom line is, you need to be aware of the reasons crime rates boom, and how you can use security to counteract them. So in this blog, let’s take a look at the four reasons why crime increases during the summer, and the security measures you can take to prevent them. 

Hot Weather, Hot Tempers 

Ever found yourself increasingly grumpy while uncomfortably warm and sweaty? It’s true – hotter climates are known to flare tempers, spurring feelings of agitation as our bodies attempt to adjust to this sudden physical change (it’s also why we term those prone to anger as being “hot heads”). That’s why experts cite heat-related aggravation as one of the primary factors behind violent crime rates jumping combined with increased social interaction. Since this is a general trend, and one most people don’t have much control over, the best way you can be prepared is to make sure there’s ample security on-hand who can step in should any situation heat up. 

More People On Vacation & Out of Office

With schools out and prime weather having arrived, more people than ever are on vacation, away from their homes and out of office. This creates major security gaps that thieves and trespassers are quick to take advantage of (especially in high foot traffic areas). Making sure your properties have a centrally monitored alarm system and/or reliable residential security, and your workplaces have  concierge or uniformed patrols, is crucial to keep your assets safe and out of harm’s way – no matter where in the world you might be. 

Increased Alcohol Consumption 

There’s nothing quite like a cold drink on a hot summer’s day – at least that’s what the data tells us. As socialization increases, so too does the flow of alcoholic beverages. And with it, the inhibition and emotional dysregulation that occurs when people drink. Though excessive drinking encourages aggressive, violent behaviour, most folks expect alcohol to be readily available when attending summer gatherings and events. Make sure to pace yourself and keep tabs on the location of any security services in case things get out of hand.

Large Outdoor Events and Public Gatherings 

Hallmark of any great summer is the onslaught of large outdoor events. Whether these come in the form of outdoor concerts, open air theatres, music festivals, food fairs, sports games, and so on, a single event can draw in thousands of people and present many complex security risks. To guarantee things go off without a hitch, it pays to have a team of experienced event security experts who can mitigate these complex problems with ease. At Blackbird Security, our event security professionals can assist in everything from crowd control and unauthorized entry prevention, to CCTV surveillance and frontline emergency response. We also provide services like comprehensive risk assessments and mobile patrol security, so you can proceed with your outdoor events and large scale gatherings with total confidence.  

Blackbird Can Help With All Your Summer Security Needs  

Compared to all other seasons, it’s more important than ever to have professional security staff around to counteract property theft, vandalism, and rising crime during the summer months. As Canada’s fastest growing provider of security services, Blackbird Security is standing by to assist with any of your summer security needs. Get in touch to learn more about the diverse services we offer, no matter your location or size. 

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