Use of Force - Handcuffing & Baton Certification (Blackbird Security Employees Only)

Prix régulier $60.00

Nov. 3rd - 11:00-19:00

Training Course & Certification Assessment

Blackbird Security, 191 The West Mall Suite 1010, Etobicoke, ON M9C 5L6

Choose Your Position

Specific to the Ontario Staff.

**For Blackbird Security employees only. This 8 hours training program provides the candidate with proper Take-Down Techniques, Subject Control Tactics, Federal and Provincial Legislations,  as well as Ground Defense Techniques. A Use of Force Competency Certification Card is provided upon successful completion of the program. This program contains both handcuffing, as well as the expandable baton component.

Any additional instructions (prior requirements, refund policy):

  1. Please be advised that once the class is registered, there cannot be any changes.
  2. Please be advised that if you live within the GTA, attendance is mandatory. Online attendance is only available if you live outside of the GTA, and there are no exceptions, as this is a requirement from the licensing body for this course.

Maximum number of participants in each class: 8 

Minimum number of participants: 3

In the event of class cancellation, participants will be notified maximum 3 days after registration. 

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