How to Keep Your Construction Site Secure Over The Holidays

With extended periods of nighttime darkness and the added detriment of absent site workers, the holiday season presents ample opportunities for potential criminals looking to steal from construction sites. 

As businesses prepare to take a much-needed break over the holidays, owners are analyzing their construction site security and taking steps to ensure their site security strategy is up to par before workers leave for break.  

The last thing any site owner wants to come back to on January 2nd is vandalism, equipment theft, or a security breach. How prepared is your construction site this season? Read on to find out.

Blackbird Security protects the Oakridge construction site. 

Ensure All Construction Site CCTV Cameras Are Operational

Before leaving for the holidays, be sure that your CCTV cameras are operational, recording, and haven’t accidentally been moved from their areas of cover. A functional CCTV system acts as a visible deterrent and provides valuable evidence in case of incidents. Implementing signage stating that the site is monitored by CCTV cameras adds an additional layer of deterrence. 

Regularly checking CCTV cameras is a best practice, and monitoring your CCTV cameras is an essential security duty that shouldn’t be overlooked. 

Secure Your Construction Site’s Perimeter

The first line of defence for any construction site is a well-secured perimeter. Install sturdy fencing and confirm that all access points have working locks, including gates and entrances. Ensure your site and access points are well-lit at night, reducing the likelihood that criminals will break into your site. 

Lock Away Valuable Tools and Machinery

Ensure that valuable tools, machinery, and materials are stored securely. Double-check that machinery keys are accounted for and haven’t been left in the cab or ignition of any heavy machinery equipment. 

Invest In A Uniformed Security Guard

An on-duty uniformed security guard is the ultimate deterrent for potential thieves and vandals, communicating in no uncertain terms that a site is well-guarded and monitored. 

For large-scale, high-value projects, having a security guard present on your site when workers are absent is essential. Criminals are more likely to target sites when staff and workers are absent, and deploying an on-site security guard can greatly mitigate that risk. 

At Blackbird, we use TrackTik technology for real-time reporting from the field. By accessing the TrackTik portal, our clients have instant access to routes, reports, and incident information as security unfolds, allowing them to be as involved in security as they desire. This is especially beneficial during the holiday season when staff and management are absent from construction sites. 

Blackbird Security's uniformed security guards help with construction site security

Schedule Mobile Security Patrols

When an on-duty security guard is not an option due to budgetary limitations, mobile security patrols are a highly effective alternative. Mobile security guards perform patrols using a highly visible security vehicle on a randomized schedule, keeping potential criminals guessing. Remember, vandals and thieves are more likely to target construction sites that appear unmonitored.

During the holiday break, it’s incredibly beneficial to schedule mobile security visits to construction sites to ensure the property remains secure. In the unfortunate event of an incident, your site’s leadership will be alerted immediately by your mobile security guard who will submit a police report, if necessary. 

At Blackbird Security, mobile patrols are our most flexible security option. Mobile patrols can be scheduled as frequently or infrequently as desired, ensuring security regardless of budget. 

Perform a Security Audit

As part of your holiday security strategy, your security guard should perform a final sweep or audit to ensure that security measures are in place before staff leave for the break. They should double-check the operational status of site CCTV cameras, confirm the security of perimeter and access points, and ensure that site valuables and equipment are secure, as well as any other unique needs. 

Every construction site faces its own set of challenges, and it pays dividends to invest in a security team that can identify vulnerabilities and enforce a security strategy tailored to your site.

Blackbird Security's mobile security patrols help with construction site security

Partner With The Leading Construction Site Security Company In Canada

By combining construction site security best practices with a physical security presence through uniformed security guard patrols or mobile security patrols, site leadership can ensure safety and mitigate the risk of criminal activity over the holiday season. 

In addition to construction site security, we provide services for the following industries:

Is your construction site well-protected this holiday season? Get in touch with us at the form below and find out how we can secure your construction site over the holiday break and beyond. 

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